Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Weight Loss. Show all posts

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Green Tea Weight Loss Trick

Green Tea Weight Loss Trick
Green Tea Weight Loss Trick by Workout Pandit

Green tea weight loss is one of the newest methods being sought out by overweight individuals. While there is no substitute for eating right and exercise, natural green tea capsules can help you achieve the results you are after in terms of your goal weight.

The association between green tea pills and losing weight was discovered fairly recently. And since then, there have been numerous studies established in order to thoroughly understand the link between green tea pills and weight loss. And it has been found that green tea can really help you to get rid of those extra pounds.

Before you can fully appreciate the benefits of green tea weight loss, you need to understand the problems associate with other weight loss aids.

While other slimming aids contain chemicals that can add to a list of negative side effects, green tea is natural. Also, many other weight loss pills  contain stimulants which could be harmful to the heart. Green tea extract is not harmful to the heart in any way. In fact, it is good for the heart. Finally, many other supplements or capsules suppress your craving for food so that you feel full even if you have eaten very little. This satisfied feeling lasts for a long time. That may seem good but in reality it can backfire. If you don't feel the need to eat or snack (on healthy items), your body is not getting all of the nutrients that it requires and this is not the right way to go about shedding pounds.

Another caution has to do with exercise. While it is a good idea to keep on a consistent schedule of consistent activity, rigorous exercise is something that most people dread. It takes up too much time and too much energy and it can also be damaging if you jump into it too quickly.

It is the above concerns that have made people curious about the green tea alternative.

Green tea pills contain the precious green tea extract whose main function is to increase your metabolism rate. This is what actually causes a faster burning up of extra fat and can get you quicker results. Green tea is also a great option because not only can it help you lose weight, but it also protects your digestive and respiratory systems, works against diabetes and reduces cholesterol.

While you are taking green tea extract, you can go ahead and eat three balanced meals and two snacks each day, guaranteeing that you are receiving all of the nutrients your body needs. Also, instead of heavy, tiring and time-consuming exercise, you can do lighter activities (like walking) that fit into your schedule and mindset a little better--this type of exercise combines perfectly with green tea weight loss as the extract is already doing the calorie burning for you.

You Need Aerobics Cardio Exercise For Weight Loss

You Need Aerobics Cardio Exercise For Weight Loss

If you're carrying around some pounds you want to get rid of, then you need to do some cardio exercise for weight loss. If that sounds horrifying, don't worry. There are many forms of cardio exercise that you're sure to enjoy.

If you've not been exercising or doing any form of cardio exercise for a long time, you might feel really intimidated by the idea of starting. But you shouldn't be. Cardio exercise can be something as simple as taking a brisk walk.

You don't have to buy tights and leg warmers. There is no requirement as far as fashion or equipment to start out doing some good weight loss cardio. You don't even need an exercise DVD. Step out your door and walk briskly for about 20 to 30 minutes, or as long as you're comfortable at first.

If you'd like to try something besides walking, aerobic dancing is a good choice. You can just dance around your living room, but an exercise DVD is a good way to do it. You can find DVDs that will let you do basic dancing moves. Or you can choose a weight loss DVD of salsa dancing or belly dancing, and almost any kind of dancing you think you'd enjoy.

Cycling, swimming, hiking, and any type of activity that gets your heart rate and your breathing up are aerobic activities. That means it's a cardio workout. Doing any of these things for at least 30 minutes four times a week is a great way to use cardio to lose weight. It Specifically for weight loss though, the best thing to do is to change up your exercise routine. If you start taking brisk walks for five times a week, that's wonderful. It will help you lose weight and it's good for your body. But you can lose weight even more efficiently and build your endurance more efficiently if you vary your routine.

Instead of just walking, try to also incorporate jogging or running. Walk for a few minutes, and then run for a little while to get some cardio work in. You can time the sessions or you can just do it as you feel it. This is called circuit training.

If you're cycling for cardio exercise, cycle at a leisurely pace for a few minutes and then go very quickly. If you're on an exercise bike, cycle at a normal pace for a while and then spin like mad. The same goes for any exercise that you do. If you're walking or cycling, using hills for this type of thing is wonderful.

You can also circuit training in another sense. Choose brisk walking one day, and then the next go for cycling or aerobic dancing. You can easily get into a rut doing the same thing every time.

Doing the same type of exercise is better than nothing, and it's wonderful. But if you can change it up a little bit, the cardio exercise for weight loss that you do will be more effective.

Your Calorie Reduction Diet Works Try It And See For Yourself

Your Calorie Reduction Diet Works Try It And See For Yourself

Forget all the glitzy adverts for the latest must have diet product. The only way to lose weight successfully is by following the calorie reduction diet.

Fluctuations in your body weight are caused by consuming more energy than you use up. Our system converts surplus food to fat and we put on pounds. Our body is actually protecting itself by storing food to prevent starvation if we do not have enough to eat. Worked quite well in the old days when people often went hungry but these days, the result is a nation suffering from obesity.

If you want to slim down, you need to expend more energy than you consume. Sounds easy right? So just how many calories a day do people need to reduce in order to lose weight?  Well it depends on the individual to a point. If you are losing weight under medical supervision you should follow your doctor's advice.

If you are trying to do this on your own, the World Health Organization recommends that all adults have at least 1200 calories a day. If you try for less than this, your body may think you are in fact starving and slow your metabolism right down.  This will stop you losing any excess pounds.

Crash diets i.e. those that restrict you to less than 1000 a day will result in rapid weight loss at first. But you will be miserable and starving and the results are not sustainable nor is it healthy.

The bigger the deficit you can cause between the amount of food you consume and the energy you expend, the more weight you will lose. But studies show that if you reduce your weight by one to two pounds a week, you are more likely to maintain your new waistline. So if you increase your level of activity you won't have to impose a huge calorie reduction. You will also preserve your muscles and they help to burn fat and keep your metabolism raised.

You can cut down quite simply by changing the way you eat and cook. Most of us rely too much on takeaways and packaged meals. These contain a lot of hidden fats and sugars. It is much healthier and cheaper to cook the meals from scratch at home. You can reduce your consumption by using semi-skimmed milk in recipes rather than the full fat version. You probably won't notice the difference. Using tomato based sauces also helps as does eating brown pasta and rice as opposed to the white versions.

Fruit and vegetables contain few calories and little fat. Increase your consumption via smoothies, salads and juices. They are great at filling us up and if we put a little extra effort into preparing our meals, they are very tasty as well. Eat little and often and keep carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch not your evening meal.

So if you are serious about that new figure, try the calorie reduction diet for yourself.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Your Connection Between Weight Loss And Fitness

Your Connection Between Weight Loss And Fitness

If you've decided you want to lose some weight (whether it be just a few pounds or a large chunk of your body mass), chances are you've done the research on diets, plans, gyms, exercises, and anything that you can find on that subject. If so, you've probably seen that most credible sources will tell you that weight loss and fitness are strongly related. If not, that's what I'll tell you now.

If you want to lose weight, you first need to evaluate a few truths. The most obvious is that if you burn off more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. You can either chose to do no "extra" exercise and eat very, very little in order to lose weight, or you can stick to a plan that will burn off enough calories and allow you not to starve yourself. It's also important to note that overly-decreasing your calorie intake can backfire on you because your body will slow your metabolism down in order to accommodate this adjustment in calorie intake. This will cause you to actually gain weight instead of lose it.

The next fact is that a combination of water and oxygen leads to fat burning. Make sure that you are getting at least a half gallon of water every day. Your body will use this water when you exercise,  and cause you to lose weight in a healthy way. Again, you must combine your water intake with some form of aerobic exercise (increased oxygen) for this to work. Choose something that you like and can do on a regular basis like Walking, biking, swimming, yard work, etc. As long as you get your heart rate up a little bit, it's a good fat burning exercise.

Finally, consistency is the key when it comes to your weight loss and fitness plan. So many people jump into something quickly with the mindset that they will just keep up the pace for a couple of weeks or a couple of months and then they can go back to their usual life.

In reality, your plan should be a life-long commitment. Even after you lose the weight, in order to maintain your goal weight, you need to eat right and get some activity in. So, pick an activity that you enjoy (or that you don't mind so much). Walking is one favorite. If you live in the city, you can actually walk part of the way to work, save on gym expenses, and not have to worry about finding time in your day to exercise. If not, no matter where you live, you can probably find the time to take a 20-minute brisk walk around your neighborhood. Bring a buddy along to keep you entertained and you'll see that the time flies. The connection between weight loss and fitness is too strong to ignore. So, pick your plan and stick with it for life.

Your Metabolism And Its Effect On Fat Loss

Your Metabolism And Its Effect On Fat Loss

Metabolism is the process by which your body converts food into energy. Many people hold the belief that fat people have low metabolism rates and skinny people have high metabolism rates. However, the process is not that simple.

Your metabolism depends on three separate factors, and how it works affects how much you weigh. Metabolism is determined by the amount of calories you consume, factors such as age and sex, and how physically active you are.

If you consume excessive calories, you will eventually gain weight. Each human body is designed to run on a certain calorie amount. This can vary from person to person, but is between 1500 and 2500 calories for most adults. If you are trying to lose weight, it will be less.

Men generally need more calories per day than women, unless the woman is pregnant or breastfeeding. The rate at which your body burns these calories is your metabolism; if you burn them more slowly, you’ll gain weight. If you burn through extra calories quickly, you’ll maintain your weight.

Factors such as age, body composition, and sex also determine metabolism. If your body contains more muscle, your metabolism will be faster. If it contains more fat, your body will be slower.

For this reason, women's metabolism often slows down after pregnancy. Excess fat is accumulated and stored on the hips and breasts. After pregnancy, it can be harder to lose this weight. Age also affects your metabolism; as you age, your metabolism slows down. This can lead to "middle age spread" if you don't take action to burn those extra calories and kick your metabolism into high gear.

Your rate of physical activity greatly affects your metabolism. This is good news; it means you have some control over the situation! If your metabolism is slowing down due to age, gender, or other factors, you can boost it by exercising. The key to weight loss is burning more calories than you take in.

When you choose to exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, weight loss is possible. Your metabolism will increase as you add muscle to your body remember; muscle burns more calories than fat!

To jump-start your metabolism, you may need to lower the amount of calories you're consuming daily and up the amount of exercise you are doing. Choose aerobic and weight lifting exercises for maximum impact. Aerobic exercise burns fat, and weight training will add muscle. Both can greatly increase your metabolism, leading to healthy fat loss.

This article isn't medical advice nor should it be interpreted or substituted as medical advice. This article is for informational purposes only. Prior to making changes to your physical exercise routine and your diet, you should always consult your personal physician. It is much better to be safe than sorry.

Monday, 6 January 2020

Lose Your Belly Fat 7-Day Meal Plan

I don’t know about you, but for me, there’s nothing worse than looking down at my stomach and seeing a bulge. It took a long time for me to get rid of my belly bulge, but it doesn’t have to take you long at all! Rock this belly fat meal plan to trim that tummy in no time at all.
Once I followed this meal plan, I stopped being afraid to look down at my belly. Why? Because as these nutritious meals on my plate started going away, so did my belly bulge! Abs really are made in the kitchen!

Day 1: Lose Your Belly Fat Meal Plan

Breakfast: Superfoods Smoothie
Lunch: Garden Salad with Lemon and Oil Dressing
Dinner: 6-Ingredient Wild Salmon Fillets with Cauliflower Stir Fry
You’re sure to start noticing a difference in how you feel just after this first day!

Day 2: Lose Your Belly Fat Meal Plan

Breakfast: 5-Ingedient Baked Egg Mushrooms
Lunch: Tuna Salad Stuffed Avocado
Dinner: Lemon Chicken Breasts with Salad and Asparagus

Day 3: Lose Your Belly Fat Meal Plan

Breakfast: 2-Ingredient Sweet Potato Pancakes
Lunch: Flush the Fat Away Detox Salad
Dinner: Easy Seared Grass-Fed Ribeye Steaks  with 4-Ingredient Roasted Broccoli 
Your day is sure to be brightened after eating this day’s breakfast of nutrient-dense sweet potato pancakes. You’ll never go back to normal pancakes again!

Day 4: Lose Your Belly Fat Meal Plan

Breakfast: 1 or 2 scrambled eggs with Skinny Breakfast Sausage
Lunch: Avocado & Grape Salad with Walnuts
Dinner: Skillet Chicken and Veggies
I know you feel those energy and mood boosts after eating these healthy meals.

Day 5: Lose Your Belly Fat Meal Plan

Breakfast: Spinach and Feta Lettuce Wrap
Lunch: Kale & Roasted Yam Salad
Dinner: Grilled Chicken and Avocado Salad
Day 5 is full of bright colors–guaranteeing you a bright day!

Day 6: Lose Your Belly Fat Meal Plan

Breakfast: Cleanse and Detox Smoothie
Lunch: Turkey Taco Lettuce Wraps
Dinner: Easy Shrimp Sauté with 4-Ingredient Roasted Cauliflower

Day 7: Lose Your Belly Fat Meal Plan

Breakfast: Salmon and Sun-Dried Tomato Frittata
Lunch: Flush the Fat Away Detox Salad
Dinner: Foil-Baked Chicken and Broccoli
What better way to finish off the week than with salmon, a salad that actually tastes good, an easy chicken and broccoli dinner, and a happier you?
Make changes you—and everyone else—can see! Check out our Total Body Transformation Program. It gives you 12 weeks of workouts that sculpt, tone, and tighten.
Check out our Facebook page and follow us on Pinterest to discover tasty recipes, clean-eating tips, and healthy lifestyle resources.

How To Lose Belly Fat After 40 Can Be Fun for Everyone

What Experts Aren't Saying About How To Lose Belly Fat After 40 and What This Means For You

How To Lose Belly Fat After 40 Can Be Fun for Everyone

Arguably the best method to shed stomach fat is exercising. It can result in negative effects to your health if it is not addressed at the right time. Walking is among the very first cardio exercises you ought to have as it's a good and effectual system to burn away that belly fat. When present in massive quantities, subcutaneous (below the skin) fat will block you from seeing your abdominal muscles. You cannot reduce fat in 1 region of your entire body and the exact same is applicable for belly fat too. Belly fat is an issue for millions of women and men that are troubled by that small bulge around the abdomen. Extra belly fat is risky as it might invite quite a few other health problems like high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases.
How To Lose Belly Fat After 40

Introducing How To Lose Belly Fat After 40

Body demands a whole lot of water so that it can function properly. Whenever your body accumulates a particular quantity of belly fat, the consequent effect is observed in a swelling waist size, and consequently, the need to purchase larger-size pants. With regular water intake of at least 2 litres a day, it is able to release toxins in a better way. You only have to understand a couple of things about the body.
If you're planning to slim down alongside belly fat read my article on fast weight reduction tips. To prevent disappointment and frustration hoping to become pregnant, it's far better to combat your weight and the very best means is to have a look at a lifestyle change as an alternative to a diet regime. If you're really intent on losing weight, you might need to devote an hour of exercise in your daily routine to target and reduce belly fat. So should you need to drop weight there's also additional health benefits related to the being physically active over and over the advantage of weight reduction. You don't even have to grow the weight. It's simple to end up gaining weight around the stomach. You will be astounded at how much weight that you would figure out how to lose everyday just by breastfeeding your baby.

What You Need to Know About How To Lose Belly Fat After 40

Together with good diet, exercise is deemed to be the absolute most powerful way of reducing belly fat. Ab exercises go beyond the fundamental crunch. Aerobic exercise has a lot of advantages. It's short, easy, easy and efficient exercise to shed belly fat quickly. Therefore, it makes a fantastic exercise to begin your routine with. Plank exercise is accomplished by holding your body in a straight position like a pushup for a length of time. There are some vital exercises it is possible to incorporate into your fitness routine that are capable of burning fat from the belly and the remainder of your entire body,'' she states.
If you set fat on around your belly, there can be raised health risks than if you gained weight at other fields of the human body. Belly fat consists of two kinds of fat. Hardly any folks want a huge belly. The secret to getting a level stomach is by way of following a clean diet and staying active. Thus, it assists in toning upper abdomen too.

Type of How To Lose Belly Fat After 40

The pregnancy diet has to be rich in all the crucial nutrients that the body requirements. To stay fit and healthy and to steer clear of extra belly fat it is essential to have a healthful diet program and carry out adequate exercises. Just since there are things that has to be included in the diet for pregnant ladies, there are particular items that has to be avoided when pregnant. Needless to say, it's true that you burn lots of calories by simply caring for your infant, but that's not enough for losing pregnancy weight. Thus it is crucial to burn enough calories in order to achieve a wholesome weight.

Most Noticeable How To Lose Belly Fat After 40

Alongside exercise, it's important to eat foods that burn belly fat fast to find quick outcomes. By understanding your entire body, what foods allow you to get weight and which ones allow you to shed weight, in addition to understanding portion dimensions and when to feed your entire body, will assist you in the years to come rather than a quick fix. It is always advised to choose food that's full of fiber. Little and frequent eating wouldn't only help suppress your hunger but in addition keep your metabolic rate high, each of which are needed for fast weight reduction. Actually, unbridled eating while pregnant can cause you to put on a great deal of weight and are able to make your child unnecessarily overweight.

Saturday, 4 January 2020

How to Lose 6 Pounds of Belly Fat in 30 Days

Are you rockin’ some extra cushion around your mid-section? Are you tired of sifting through your closet for clothes that’ll properly hide that muffin top? You’re not alone. What if you could learn how to lose belly fat in 30 days? The answer could be closer than you think.
The excess fat around your tummy, also referred to as “visceral fat,” accumulates as your waistline expands. During this process, fat cells swell up and infiltrate towards your middle, thus lending you the dreaded beer gut.

1. Snack smarter.

When hunger strikes in between meals, its intensity can oftentimes invite some pretty impulsive and unhealthy snack solutions.
Instead of letting your grumbling tummy get the best of you, keep some of these 25 Clean Weight Loss Snacks you can Make Ahead of Time on hand to satisfy your  munchies without compromising your waistline!

2. Stock your fridge.

With a fridge stocked with nothing but clean-eating foods, you don’t have to think twice about choosing something healthy to reach for, since everything’s healthy! With nothing but nutritious foods at your fingertips, you can smooth-sail your way through a healthy eating lifestyle.
Take this 50 Flat Belly Shopping List with you next time you hit the grocery store, and use this Clean Eating Menu Planner as a guide throughout the week!

3. Replace all non-water beverages with water.

Slash a boatload of calories by choosing good ole’ H20 over anything else. And yes, even those diet drinks that boast zero-calorie nutritional profiles have got to go! These products are loaded with artificial sugars, which can have a negative impact on your weight and health.
4. Cut back on sugar.
Ridding this sweet poison from your diet can do wonders for weight loss. Sugars, especially refined and artificial sugars, serve as empty calories and are normally found in high-glycemic products. Among its many disadvantages, the highly-addictive white toxin triggers insulin and blood sugar fluctuations, which mess with your feelings of hunger and fullness, and ultimately contribute to weight gain.
Use this 30 Day Sugar Detox as a guide to reboot your body and melt away those pesky pounds. Here are some handy tips to help you Break your Sugar Addiction.

5. Consume smaller portions.

Smaller portions means fewer calories consumed, freeing your body to drop those extra pounds.
And yes, we know what you’re thinking- easier said than done! However, eating off of smaller plates creates the illusion that you’re consuming more food. This Skinny Plate Challenge will help you take the first steps towards slimming down and changing your eating habits for good.

6. Do a cleanse.

Toxins and gunk can weigh you down and inhibit your weight loss progress. Try a safe juice cleanse to reboot your body, super-nourish your system, and ultimately accelerate your weight loss. Sip on one of these 7 Detox Drinks for Weight Loss, or perform a 48-Hour Juice Cleanse if you’re healthy enough and in need of major rejuvenation.

7. Add more healthy fats.

Ironic as it may sound, fat actually helps you burn fat. In fact, it an serve as one of your most powerful weight loss weapons! But the type of fat you consume matters more than anything. Add these 7 Healthy Fats that Promote Weight Loss to your menu.

8. Power through this 30-Day Weight Loss Challenge.

Designed to get you your desired results, this challenge will help you make some noteworthy progress and drop those stubborn lbs in just 30 days. This regimen consists of fat-blasting days, cardio days, and yoga to strengthen and tone your entire figure while shedding unwanted pounds. It also includes nutritional assistance, with no guess work!

9. Kickstart your morning with a quick workout.

Research shows working out right after waking up can help you lose weight faster and keep it off permanently. Crunched for time? No problem. Perform one of these 9 Morning Workouts in under 5 Minutes before you dash out the door.

10. Get better sleep.

Sleep deprivation triggers your body’s production of cortisol, the stress hormone very much linked to weight gain. With higher levels of cortisol, your body clings to fat and has a harder time letting it go. Cortisol also convinces your brain’s reward center that you want and need food. Among the many benefits of a healthy sleep schedule, keeping your weight in check certainly makes getting enough ZZZs worth it!
Learn why getting your snooze on should top your list of priorities. Check out these 5 Ways Your Sleep Schedule could be Piling on the Pounds.
Now that you know how to lose belly fat in 30 days, what are you waiting for?!
For more handy weight loss tips and tricks, make sure to check out:

21-Day Flat Belly Meal Plan

Flat bellies are fab. But they’re not just for celebrities with access to trainers and nannies. You can slim your middle, too, and our 21-day flat belly meal plan is a delicious place to start.
This flat belly meal plan incorporates foods that will help trim the waistline. Some foods, like salmon and chicken, offer protein to build muscle tissue, which burns more calories than fat tissue. Healthy fats, like those found in avocados, are an important part of this meal plan too because they boost belly fat burn.

21-Day Flat Belly Meal Plan

Day 1

Breakfast: Protein Salmon and Eggs on Toast
Lunch: Chicken Pesto Pita
Dinner: Southwestern Spaghetti Squash with a green salad

Day 2

Breakfast: ½ cup nonfat Greek yogurt topped with fresh berries
Lunch: Cucumber with Feta and Herb Salad
Dinner: Slow Cooker Spinach Artichoke Chicken  [Save a portion for lunch on Day 3.]

Day 3

Breakfast: Peanut Butter and Fresh Raspberries on Toast
Lunch: Slow Cooker Spinach Artichoke Chicken [Leftover from dinner on Day 2.]
Dinner: Simply Sautéed Lemon Tilapia with Balsamic Roasted Carrots

Day 4

Breakfast: ½ cup nonfat Greek yogurt topped with fresh berries
Lunch: Healthiest Greek Salad
Dinner: Quinoa Chicken Nuggets with Rosemary Fries with Low-Fat Aioli

Day 5

Breakfast: Lean, Green Protein Smoothie Bowl
Lunch: Skinny Taco Salad in a Jar
Dinner: Chicken, Broccoli, and Asparagus Stir Fry with Crockpot Cauliflower Fried Rice  [Save a portion for lunch on Day 6.]

Day 6

Breakfast: Skinny Protein Breakfast Frittatas
Lunch: Chicken, Broccoli, and Asparagus Stir Fry with Crockpot Cauliflower Fried Rice [Leftover from dinner on Day 5.]
Dinner: Open-Face Grilled Turkey Burger with Baked Sweet Potato Fries

Day 7

Breakfast: Protein Quinoa Pancakes [Save a portion for breakfast on Day 8.]
Lunch: Salad with Clean-Eating Buttermilk Dressing
Dinner: Oven-Crisp Fish Tacos

Day 8

Breakfast: Protein Quinoa Pancakes [Leftover from breakfast on Day 7.]
Lunch: Strawberry Quinoa Salad with Poppyseed Yogurt Dressing
Dinner: Chicken Caesar Wrap with Sweet Potato Fries

Day 9

Breakfast: ½ cup nonfat Greek yogurt topped with fresh berries
Lunch: Chicken Pesto Pita
Dinner: Black Pepper Salmon with Avocado Salad

Day 10

Breakfast: Peanut Butter and Fresh Raspberries on Toast
Lunch: Clean-Eating Cobb Salad
Dinner: Steak Fajita Sandwich with Baked Potatoes with Clementine Butter

Day 11

Breakfast: ½ cup nonfat Greek yogurt topped with fresh berries
Lunch: Avocado, Tomato, and Cucumber Salad
Dinner: Slow Cooker Sesame Chicken with Garlicky Sautéed Bok Choy [Save a portion for lunch on Day 12.]

Day 12

Breakfast: Clean-Eating Refrigerator Oatmeal
Lunch: Slow Cooker Sesame Chicken with Garlicky Sautéed Bok Choy [Leftover from dinner on Day 11.]
Dinner: Skinny Burrito Bowls

Day 13

Breakfast: Avocado Breakfast Pizza
Lunch: Skinny Taco Salad in a Jar
Dinner: Quick-Prep Parmesan-Crusted Chicken with Mashed Cauliflower [Save a portion of chicken for lunch on Day 14.]

Day 14

Breakfast: Buckwheat Pancakes with Berry Sauce  [Save a portion for breakfast on Day 15.]
Lunch: Parmesan-Crusted Chicken Wrap [Roll leftover chicken from Day 13 into a whole wheat wrap with veggies.]
Dinner: Zucchini Lasagna with a Pasta Salad with Cucumbers & Tomatoes

Day 15

Breakfast: Buckwheat Pancakes with Berry Sauce [Leftover from breakfast on Day 14.]
Lunch: Jalapeno Lime Tuna Salad
Dinner: Slow Cooker Caramelized Chicken with Spinach Saute with Pine Nuts and Golden Raisins [Save a portion for lunch on Day 16.]

Day 16

Breakfast: ½ cup nonfat Greek yogurt topped with fresh berries
Lunch: Slow Cooker Caramelized Chicken with Spinach Sauté with Pine Nuts and Golden Raisins [Leftover from dinner on Day 15.]
Dinner: Quinoa Salad with Fresh Vegetables

Day 17

Breakfast: Clean-Eating Refrigerator Oatmeal
Lunch: Chicken and Crisp Veggie Sandwich
Dinner: Skinny Taco Lettuce Boats with One-Pot Skinny Mexican Quinoa

Day 18

Breakfast: Bagel with Sun-Dried Tomatoes and Provolone
Lunch: Sprouts, Veggie, and Cheese Wrap
Dinner: One-Pot Black Pepper Chicken with Lentils and Pea Risotto [Save a portion for lunch on Day 19.]

Day 19

Breakfast: Sweet Morning Breakfast Quinoa  [Save a portion for breakfast on Day 20.]
Lunch: One-Pot Black Pepper Chicken with Lentils and Pea Risotto [Leftover from dinner on Day 18.]
Dinner: Chicken and Black Bean Chili  [Save a portion for lunch on Day 20.]

Day 20

Breakfast: Sweet Morning Breakfast Quinoa  [Leftover from breakfast on Day 19.]
Lunch: Chicken and Black Bean Chili  [Leftover from dinner on Day 19.]
Dinner: Pistachio-Crusted White Fish Fillet with Twice-Baked Veggie-Stuffed Potato

Day 21

Breakfast: ½ cup nonfat Greek yogurt topped with fresh berries
Lunch: Cucumber and Cheese Sandwich with a green salad
Dinner: Chickpea and Tomato Salad with Grilled Chicken