Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Green Tea Weight Loss Trick

Green Tea Weight Loss Trick
Green Tea Weight Loss Trick by Workout Pandit

Green tea weight loss is one of the newest methods being sought out by overweight individuals. While there is no substitute for eating right and exercise, natural green tea capsules can help you achieve the results you are after in terms of your goal weight.

The association between green tea pills and losing weight was discovered fairly recently. And since then, there have been numerous studies established in order to thoroughly understand the link between green tea pills and weight loss. And it has been found that green tea can really help you to get rid of those extra pounds.

Before you can fully appreciate the benefits of green tea weight loss, you need to understand the problems associate with other weight loss aids.

While other slimming aids contain chemicals that can add to a list of negative side effects, green tea is natural. Also, many other weight loss pills  contain stimulants which could be harmful to the heart. Green tea extract is not harmful to the heart in any way. In fact, it is good for the heart. Finally, many other supplements or capsules suppress your craving for food so that you feel full even if you have eaten very little. This satisfied feeling lasts for a long time. That may seem good but in reality it can backfire. If you don't feel the need to eat or snack (on healthy items), your body is not getting all of the nutrients that it requires and this is not the right way to go about shedding pounds.

Another caution has to do with exercise. While it is a good idea to keep on a consistent schedule of consistent activity, rigorous exercise is something that most people dread. It takes up too much time and too much energy and it can also be damaging if you jump into it too quickly.

It is the above concerns that have made people curious about the green tea alternative.

Green tea pills contain the precious green tea extract whose main function is to increase your metabolism rate. This is what actually causes a faster burning up of extra fat and can get you quicker results. Green tea is also a great option because not only can it help you lose weight, but it also protects your digestive and respiratory systems, works against diabetes and reduces cholesterol.

While you are taking green tea extract, you can go ahead and eat three balanced meals and two snacks each day, guaranteeing that you are receiving all of the nutrients your body needs. Also, instead of heavy, tiring and time-consuming exercise, you can do lighter activities (like walking) that fit into your schedule and mindset a little better--this type of exercise combines perfectly with green tea weight loss as the extract is already doing the calorie burning for you.

You Need Aerobics Cardio Exercise For Weight Loss

You Need Aerobics Cardio Exercise For Weight Loss

If you're carrying around some pounds you want to get rid of, then you need to do some cardio exercise for weight loss. If that sounds horrifying, don't worry. There are many forms of cardio exercise that you're sure to enjoy.

If you've not been exercising or doing any form of cardio exercise for a long time, you might feel really intimidated by the idea of starting. But you shouldn't be. Cardio exercise can be something as simple as taking a brisk walk.

You don't have to buy tights and leg warmers. There is no requirement as far as fashion or equipment to start out doing some good weight loss cardio. You don't even need an exercise DVD. Step out your door and walk briskly for about 20 to 30 minutes, or as long as you're comfortable at first.

If you'd like to try something besides walking, aerobic dancing is a good choice. You can just dance around your living room, but an exercise DVD is a good way to do it. You can find DVDs that will let you do basic dancing moves. Or you can choose a weight loss DVD of salsa dancing or belly dancing, and almost any kind of dancing you think you'd enjoy.

Cycling, swimming, hiking, and any type of activity that gets your heart rate and your breathing up are aerobic activities. That means it's a cardio workout. Doing any of these things for at least 30 minutes four times a week is a great way to use cardio to lose weight. It Specifically for weight loss though, the best thing to do is to change up your exercise routine. If you start taking brisk walks for five times a week, that's wonderful. It will help you lose weight and it's good for your body. But you can lose weight even more efficiently and build your endurance more efficiently if you vary your routine.

Instead of just walking, try to also incorporate jogging or running. Walk for a few minutes, and then run for a little while to get some cardio work in. You can time the sessions or you can just do it as you feel it. This is called circuit training.

If you're cycling for cardio exercise, cycle at a leisurely pace for a few minutes and then go very quickly. If you're on an exercise bike, cycle at a normal pace for a while and then spin like mad. The same goes for any exercise that you do. If you're walking or cycling, using hills for this type of thing is wonderful.

You can also circuit training in another sense. Choose brisk walking one day, and then the next go for cycling or aerobic dancing. You can easily get into a rut doing the same thing every time.

Doing the same type of exercise is better than nothing, and it's wonderful. But if you can change it up a little bit, the cardio exercise for weight loss that you do will be more effective.

Your Calorie Reduction Diet Works Try It And See For Yourself

Your Calorie Reduction Diet Works Try It And See For Yourself

Forget all the glitzy adverts for the latest must have diet product. The only way to lose weight successfully is by following the calorie reduction diet.

Fluctuations in your body weight are caused by consuming more energy than you use up. Our system converts surplus food to fat and we put on pounds. Our body is actually protecting itself by storing food to prevent starvation if we do not have enough to eat. Worked quite well in the old days when people often went hungry but these days, the result is a nation suffering from obesity.

If you want to slim down, you need to expend more energy than you consume. Sounds easy right? So just how many calories a day do people need to reduce in order to lose weight?  Well it depends on the individual to a point. If you are losing weight under medical supervision you should follow your doctor's advice.

If you are trying to do this on your own, the World Health Organization recommends that all adults have at least 1200 calories a day. If you try for less than this, your body may think you are in fact starving and slow your metabolism right down.  This will stop you losing any excess pounds.

Crash diets i.e. those that restrict you to less than 1000 a day will result in rapid weight loss at first. But you will be miserable and starving and the results are not sustainable nor is it healthy.

The bigger the deficit you can cause between the amount of food you consume and the energy you expend, the more weight you will lose. But studies show that if you reduce your weight by one to two pounds a week, you are more likely to maintain your new waistline. So if you increase your level of activity you won't have to impose a huge calorie reduction. You will also preserve your muscles and they help to burn fat and keep your metabolism raised.

You can cut down quite simply by changing the way you eat and cook. Most of us rely too much on takeaways and packaged meals. These contain a lot of hidden fats and sugars. It is much healthier and cheaper to cook the meals from scratch at home. You can reduce your consumption by using semi-skimmed milk in recipes rather than the full fat version. You probably won't notice the difference. Using tomato based sauces also helps as does eating brown pasta and rice as opposed to the white versions.

Fruit and vegetables contain few calories and little fat. Increase your consumption via smoothies, salads and juices. They are great at filling us up and if we put a little extra effort into preparing our meals, they are very tasty as well. Eat little and often and keep carbohydrates for breakfast and lunch not your evening meal.

So if you are serious about that new figure, try the calorie reduction diet for yourself.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Your Connection Between Weight Loss And Fitness

Your Connection Between Weight Loss And Fitness

If you've decided you want to lose some weight (whether it be just a few pounds or a large chunk of your body mass), chances are you've done the research on diets, plans, gyms, exercises, and anything that you can find on that subject. If so, you've probably seen that most credible sources will tell you that weight loss and fitness are strongly related. If not, that's what I'll tell you now.

If you want to lose weight, you first need to evaluate a few truths. The most obvious is that if you burn off more calories than you eat, you will lose weight. You can either chose to do no "extra" exercise and eat very, very little in order to lose weight, or you can stick to a plan that will burn off enough calories and allow you not to starve yourself. It's also important to note that overly-decreasing your calorie intake can backfire on you because your body will slow your metabolism down in order to accommodate this adjustment in calorie intake. This will cause you to actually gain weight instead of lose it.

The next fact is that a combination of water and oxygen leads to fat burning. Make sure that you are getting at least a half gallon of water every day. Your body will use this water when you exercise,  and cause you to lose weight in a healthy way. Again, you must combine your water intake with some form of aerobic exercise (increased oxygen) for this to work. Choose something that you like and can do on a regular basis like Walking, biking, swimming, yard work, etc. As long as you get your heart rate up a little bit, it's a good fat burning exercise.

Finally, consistency is the key when it comes to your weight loss and fitness plan. So many people jump into something quickly with the mindset that they will just keep up the pace for a couple of weeks or a couple of months and then they can go back to their usual life.

In reality, your plan should be a life-long commitment. Even after you lose the weight, in order to maintain your goal weight, you need to eat right and get some activity in. So, pick an activity that you enjoy (or that you don't mind so much). Walking is one favorite. If you live in the city, you can actually walk part of the way to work, save on gym expenses, and not have to worry about finding time in your day to exercise. If not, no matter where you live, you can probably find the time to take a 20-minute brisk walk around your neighborhood. Bring a buddy along to keep you entertained and you'll see that the time flies. The connection between weight loss and fitness is too strong to ignore. So, pick your plan and stick with it for life.

Your Metabolism And Its Effect On Fat Loss

Your Metabolism And Its Effect On Fat Loss

Metabolism is the process by which your body converts food into energy. Many people hold the belief that fat people have low metabolism rates and skinny people have high metabolism rates. However, the process is not that simple.

Your metabolism depends on three separate factors, and how it works affects how much you weigh. Metabolism is determined by the amount of calories you consume, factors such as age and sex, and how physically active you are.

If you consume excessive calories, you will eventually gain weight. Each human body is designed to run on a certain calorie amount. This can vary from person to person, but is between 1500 and 2500 calories for most adults. If you are trying to lose weight, it will be less.

Men generally need more calories per day than women, unless the woman is pregnant or breastfeeding. The rate at which your body burns these calories is your metabolism; if you burn them more slowly, you’ll gain weight. If you burn through extra calories quickly, you’ll maintain your weight.

Factors such as age, body composition, and sex also determine metabolism. If your body contains more muscle, your metabolism will be faster. If it contains more fat, your body will be slower.

For this reason, women's metabolism often slows down after pregnancy. Excess fat is accumulated and stored on the hips and breasts. After pregnancy, it can be harder to lose this weight. Age also affects your metabolism; as you age, your metabolism slows down. This can lead to "middle age spread" if you don't take action to burn those extra calories and kick your metabolism into high gear.

Your rate of physical activity greatly affects your metabolism. This is good news; it means you have some control over the situation! If your metabolism is slowing down due to age, gender, or other factors, you can boost it by exercising. The key to weight loss is burning more calories than you take in.

When you choose to exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet, weight loss is possible. Your metabolism will increase as you add muscle to your body remember; muscle burns more calories than fat!

To jump-start your metabolism, you may need to lower the amount of calories you're consuming daily and up the amount of exercise you are doing. Choose aerobic and weight lifting exercises for maximum impact. Aerobic exercise burns fat, and weight training will add muscle. Both can greatly increase your metabolism, leading to healthy fat loss.

This article isn't medical advice nor should it be interpreted or substituted as medical advice. This article is for informational purposes only. Prior to making changes to your physical exercise routine and your diet, you should always consult your personal physician. It is much better to be safe than sorry.

Tuesday, 24 March 2020

How do I purchase cryptocurrency?

How do I purchase cryptocurrency? 

CoinMarketCap reports on the trading activities of thousands of markets but does not directly sell any cryptocurrency. The best way to find where to buy is by looking on the markets section for the cryptocurrency. For example, to find where to buy Bitcoin, you can look at the markets section for Bitcoin.

where to buy Bitcoin

Thursday, 9 January 2020

5 Healthy Apple Recipes for Fall

5 Healthy Apple Recipes for Fall

Nothing is better during the fall months than a fresh, crisp apple. The combination of tart and the sweet, juicy flavor is the perfect addition to a number of dishes. Fall meals are perfect for adding sweet and juicy apples. Apple recipes can be very simple, but you can also combine a variety of ingredients to create a complex taste. Fall menus are not complete without several apple recipes. These apple meals are healthy and satisfy most taste buds.

Apples are one of the healthiest foods available. During the fall months, they are easily available and affordable. Regardless of whether you prefer tart or sweet flavors, there is an apple variety for you. If you are looking for the best healthy fall apple recipes, give a few of these a chance.


1 – Apple Nachos Supreme
This recipe (pictured above) is a healthy way to satisfy your sweet tooth during the chilly fall months. It is a great snack or dessert. It even makes a great special occasion substitute for cakes and cookies. It is a creative dish that eliminates the unhealthy aspects of traditional savory nachos. And as an added bonus, kids LOVE this nachos recipe!

2 – Red Cabbage and Apple Slaw
The mix of red cabbage and apples is perfect for those looking for a healthy, low calorie side dish. This recipe is packed with fiber and ideal for satisfying a sweet and sour craving. The high water content also makes it a great treat during a detox or vegetable and fruit fast. Even if you are typically not a fan of cabbage or slaw, you might love the sweet, juicy flavor of this unexpected dish.

3 – Slow Cooker Apple Butter
Apple butters are a dime a dozen during the fall months, but not all of them are healthy and wholesome. This recipe uses fresh apples and just a few additional ingredients to create a creamy, sweet treat. Instead of buying apple butters filled with preservatives, whip up a batch of this delicious treat. Perhaps best of all, making this recipe is simple because you simply toss the ingredients in the slow cooker and return to a sweet, delicious treat.

4 – Slow Cooker Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal
Looking for the ideal fall breakfast that will warm you up and fill you until lunch time? This is it. It is packed with fresh apples and healthy oatmeal. Plenty of cinnamon gives it a flavorful kick and makes it even healthier. Best of all, it is packed with fiber. The apples and oatmeal offer a blend of soluble and insoluble fiber, which means you are getting your daily dose on both ends. This oatmeal is great to prepare in a large batch in advance and enjoy throughout the entire week.

5 – Pumpkin Raisin Oatmeal Baked Apple
How many times have you heard “just have fruit for dessert!” and thought, “Ugh…” This recipe makes it possible to actually enjoy fruit for dessert. The mix of pumpkin, raisin, and cinnamon provides a warm spice to the fresh, juicy warm apple.

The Meal Plan Designed to Lose Weight in Two Weeks or Less

The Meal Plan Designed to Lose Weight in Two Weeks or Less

This meal plan designed to lose weight fast will prove once and for all that weight-loss foods don’t have to be flavorless! The recipes included in this plan are not only good for your health, but they also happen to taste fantastic.

Weight loss is all about calories in, calories out. If you’re expending more than you’re consuming, you will lose weight. For this reason, it’s important for you to know exactly how many calories you should be eating daily to lose weight.

Reducing Caloric Intake

The specific number of calories you need depends on your age, weight, activity level, and more. If your body requires 2,000 calories daily to maintain your current weight, you could decrease your caloric intake by 300 to 500 calories per day. For instance, if you aim for 1,500 calories daily instead of 2,000, you will lose one pound per week through just diet alone.

Incorporating Exercise

Keep in mind that reducing caloric intake by any more than 500 calories can cause your metabolism to crash and weight loss to stall. This meal plan designed to lose weight fast will get you most of the way, but exercise is also super important. You can increase fat loss by incorporating fat-melting workouts into your daily routine. This will help you lose weight faster and keep your metabolism burning. If you’re looking for a new exercise plan, try one of these fun and effective workouts:

    The Ultimate Fat-Burning Workout Plan to Shed Pounds & Inches

    Belly Fat Melting HIIT Workout Routine for Beginners
    30-Minute Melt Off the Weight Cardio Workout
    7 Workouts to Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days
    6-Week Body Weight Workout Plan: Your Guide to a Slim & Sexy Body

Weight Loss Tips

Aside from exercise, there are a few other healthy tips that can accelerate fat loss even further. These tips include:

Drink Plenty of Water. Water is one of the most under-utilized weight loss tools out there. Not only will it keep your metabolism cranking, but it will also help you to consume fewer calories throughout the day. You should aim to drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water. Drink a full glass of water when you wake up, before each meal, and while you’re exercising to make sure you stay hydrated all day long.

Don’t Go Grocery Shopping on an Empty Stomach. As you look over the recipes below, make a list of the ingredients that you need to pick up from the grocery store. Before you head out, eat a healthy snack so you’re not tempted to purchase unhealthy foods. If you don’t have processed, sugary snacks in the pantry, you won’t be able to cheat on your diet!

Meal-Prep Ahead of Time. If you have an hour or two to spare on the weekend, use it for meal prep! Cooking and packaging your food ahead of time will keep you from making unhealthy choices in the week to come. Instead of reaching for something fast and unhealthy, you’ll have your pre-made meals ready to go! Stay on the path to success and meal-prep ahead of time!

Practice Mindful Eating. Sit down for each meal and focus on your food. Don’t eat in front of the TV or computer, and always put your phone away. Eat slowly, chew your food, and let your body tell you when you’re full.

Try to Get More Sleep. Why is this important? Sleep deprivation has been proven to negatively alter your metabolism and increase hunger and appetite. This clearly isn’t something you want to happen when you’re trying to lose weight. Prep your breakfast the night before, pack your lunch before bed, decrease screen time, and get a little more rest each night. Trust us; your metabolism will thank you!
The Meal Plan Designed to Lose Weight in Two Weeks

The following meal plan designed to lose weight fast will provide you with a wide range of healthy, high-protein, low-carb recipes and options for each meal of the day! There are even a few plant-based options included for each meal.

Pick two or three recipes per meal and try to prep them ahead of time for each week. Remember, you can use leftovers to save yourself time and money; you don’t need to cook new meals every day. Since some of these options are relatively low in calories, you may need to eat more than one serving to hit your daily caloric intake. Make sure you eat the right amount of calories daily for your body (no more and no less).

We’ve included calories per serving for each recipe to make the process as easy as possible!


    Spicy Breakfast Tacos (293 calories per serving)
    Blueberry Oat Pancakes (304 calories per serving
    Individual Egg and Spinach Bowls (84 calories per serving)
    Crustless Vegetable Quiche (141 calories per serving)
    Egg-Stuffed Baked Portobello Mushroom (188 calories per serving)
    Greek Egg Muffins (45 calories per serving)
    Blackberry and Chia Breakfast Pudding (211 calories per serving)


    Clean-Eating Chicken Salad (291 calories per serving)
    Lite Tuna Melt Wrap (329 calories per serving)
    Skinny Cheeseburger Boats (237 calories per serving)
    Clean-Eating Cobb Salad (282 calories per serving)
    Asian Style Beef & Broccoli (218 calories per serving)
    Thai Chicken Lettuce Cups (120 calories per serving)
    Skinny Burrito in a Jar (191 calories per serving)


    Quick One-Skillet Taco Turkey & Rice (238 calories per serving)
    Barbeque Chicken and Avocado Quesadillas ( 271 calories per serving)
    Black Pepper Salmon with Avocado Salad (331 calories per serving)
    Grilled Pork Chops with Asparagus and Pesto (332 calories per serving)
    Italian Spaghetti Squash Casserole (210 calories per serving)
    Grilled Chipotle Chicken & Cauliflower Rice (227 calories per serving)
    Stuffed Bell Pepper Pizzas (179 calories per serving)

Pick a few of these breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes from our meal plan designed to lose weight fast, workout regularly, and apply the weight loss tips from above to your daily routine to begin losing weight immediately!

Remember to drink plenty of water each day, too! This 30-Day 8X8 Water Challenge will train you to drink more water so you’ll never get dehydrated again.

Best 10 Breakfasts to Help You Lose Weight

Best 10 Breakfasts to Help You Lose Weight

I know we’re all tired of hearing that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I don’t want to sound like a broken record…but I have to repeat the phrase because it’s just so true! Enjoying a protein-rich breakfast is especially important if you’re trying to build muscles. Since increased muscle mass also boosts your metabolism, that means you’ll also lose weight faster, too! So instead of walking out the door on an empty stomach, try some of these breakfasts that build muscle and help you lose weight.

These breakfasts are packed full of protein, and we even have plant-based options for you non-egg eaters out there. Eating protein in the morning not only helps your muscles recover from yesterday’s workout, but it also keeps you feeling fuller for longer. That means less mid-morning snacking and more energy to hit the ground running. You’ll have everything you need to get you prepared for today’s workout!

1. Slow Cooker Spinach and Mozzarella Frittata

healthy breakfast

Eggs are a breakfast staple for a good reason. They’re filled with everything you need to build muscle and help you lose weight: protein, essential amino acids, and omega-3s. Plus, they taste great and make your taste buds super happy! The fact that you can cook this breakfast in the slow cooker is a serious bonus, too.

2. Chocolate Coconut Protein Breakfast Shake protein

Breakfast shakes are an ideal way to get going in the morning. It’s especially true if you’re headed to an early morning workout or don’t have time to cook breakfast! This thick and creamy shake tastes so good, it could totally be dessert.

If you don’t have time to prepare breakfast shakes in the morning, check out a time-saving delivery service like SmoothieBox.

3. Blackberry and Chia Breakfast Pudding

This is one of our favorite recipes on the site, and it’s one of the best breakfasts that build muscle and help you lose weight, too. Greek yogurt is an ideal vegetarian ingredient for fueling your muscles because of its high protein content. It’s also rich in calcium and vitamins, too. Add in some antioxidant-rich berries and fiber-filled chia seeds, and you have a recipe for success!

Make this a plant-based breakfast by swapping in coconut yogurt for the Greek yogurt and use maple syrup instead of the honey.

4. Sweet Potato Breakfast Recipe healthy carbs

Mashed sweet potatoes aren’t typically on a list of breakfasts that build muscle and help you lose weight, but it deserves its place. Sweet potatoes are loaded with fiber, which does so much more than control your appetite and lead to healthy digestion. Fiber also burns fat and plays a role in muscle building. Add in peanut butter and granola and you have a recipe for success!

5. Quinoa Protein Bars

These grab-and-go protein bars are perfect for those days when you only have time to eat an on-the-go breakfast. Each serving is packed full of healthy fats and plant-based protein. It doesn’t hurt that they taste absolutely delicious, either!

6. Hummus Breakfast Bowl

You’ll get a little bit of everything in this power bowl: fiber-rich hummus, high-protein quinoa and eggs, and nutrient-dense vegetables. If you’re looking for a balanced breakfast that also happens to build muscle mass, this is the way to go!

7. White Bean Avocado Toast

Whole-grain toast is a perfect pre-workout breakfast. That boost of complex carbohydrates gives you the energy you need to get through a tough workout, and the healthy fats from the avocado keep you feeling full long after your workout. Add in some protein-rich beans and you have a plant-based breakfast that will make your muscles proud.

8. Peanut Butter Banana Overnight Oats

These overnight oats win for so many reasons! They help you meal prep your way to a better breakfast, and they give your body heart-healthy whole grains, healthy fats, and lean protein. The recipe is actually vegan, although it tastes so good you’d never know!

9. 4-Ingredient Protein Pancakes

Pancakes are not just for weekend brunch! This recipe is light enough to get you going without weighing you down while containing sufficient nutrients to fill you up. Between the protein powder and potassium-rich bananas, you’ll have everything you need to get focused and energized for whatever your day has in store.

10. Egg and Turkey Sausage Breakfast Tacos

Tacos for breakfast always sounds like a great idea, especially when each serving has a massive 20 grams of protein. This is one of our favorite breakfasts that build muscle and help you lose weight because they’re super simple to make and they taste fantastic.

7-Day Lazy Keto Meal Plan

7-Day Lazy Keto Meal Plan

I’m having one of those crazy busy weeks: between work and extracurricular activities, I barely have time to hit the gym in the morning. There’s definitely no time to meal plan this week! It would be the perfect week to pick up take-out every day instead of following my diet plan, but that’s not very healthy! I know there are plenty of keto-friendly fast food items on the menu, I’d rather not give up just yet. Instead, this week is perfect for a 7-Day Lazy Keto Meal Plan. This plan doesn’t track–or limit–calories, but it does keep you under 20 grams of carbs every day to stay in ketosis.

This plan is great for anyone who lives a busy lifestyle but still wants to follow the keto diet. It’s also a fantastic way to get started with keto if you’re a beginner because it will kick-start your body into ketosis. With the lazy keto meal plan, simply choose a few breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and optional snacks each day. Things are even easier if you make enough dinner to have leftovers for lunch–the lazier, the better!

When you’re piecing together your daily meals, make sure the totals add up to fewer than 20 carbs. We’ve provided each recipe’s carbohydrate count for easy reference.

7-Day Lazy Keto Meal Plan

How to use this meal plan: Choose a few breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks each day. Don’t worry about counting calories at all; just keep your total daily carbs under 20 grams each day. That will keep you in ketosis, even if you’re not paying attention to any other macronutrients. If you want to save extra time, skip the lunch recipes and double up your dinner recipes. Enjoy the leftovers for lunch! Similarly, you can make a large batch of the breakfast recipes and eat them a few days in a row.

Most of these recipes are naturally keto-friendly, but if any of them contain prohibited foods (like honey or breadcrumbs), feel free to make some ingredient swaps! If you have any questions about how to make ingredient substitutions, we’d be happy to answer them in the comments below.
Keto Breakfast Options

breakfast keto recipe

    Skinny Spinach and Feta Baked Egg (1g  carbs)
    Souffle Omelette with Mushrooms (2g carbs)
    Greek Egg Muffins (2g carbs)
    Avocado Stuffed Deviled Eggs (3g carbs)
    Baked Kale and Eggs with Ricotta (4g carbs)
    Egg Stuffed Baked Portobello Mushroom (6g carbs)
    4-Ingredient Protein Pancakes (9g carbs)

Keto Lunch Options

keto-friendly salad

    Warm Chicken Salad Over Arugula with Creamy Dill Dressing (5g carbs)
    Tuscan Salad with Mixed Greens and Lemon Caper Vinaigrette Recipe (6g carbs)
    Connie and Ted’s Celebrity Salad (10g carbs)
    Grilled Shrimp and Radish Chopped Salad (10g carbs)
    Crunchy Kale and Brussels Sprout Salad with Creamy Dijon Dressing (10g carbs)
    Moroccan Chicken Salad with Chimichurri Dressing (10g carbs)
    Smoked Salmon with Asparagus and Egg Salad (8g carbs)

Keto Dinner Options

    Super Easy Pork Tenderloin With Garlic and Rosemary (0g carbs)
    Low-Carb Loaded Cauliflower Casserole (5g carbs)
    One-Skillet Chicken and Broccoli Dinner (5g carbs)
    “Melt in Your Mouth” Italian Baked Chicken (5g carbs)
    Skinny Mississippi Pot Roast (6g carbs)
    Paleo Zucchini and Turkey Skillet Dinner (8g carbs)
    Balsamic Glazed Whole Roasted Cauliflower (10g carbs)

Keto Snacks (optional)

nacho boat keto recipe

    Skinny Bell Pepper Nacho Boats (4g carbs)
    30-Minute Buffalo Cauliflower Bites (6g carbs)
    Mushroom Parmesan Bites (7g carbs) (omit the bread     crumbs)
    Crispy Broiled Green Beans for Snacking (8g carbs)
    Skinny Cheeseburger Boats (9g carbs)
    Beet Chips with Tzatziki Dipping Sauce (9g carbs)
    Cauliflower Nachos (9g carbs)

50 Low Carb Foods Grocery List

50 Low Carb Foods Grocery List

Carbs are important – there’s no denying that. The mighty molecules fuel you with the energy necessary to get through a workout or jumpstart your day. Overdo it, however, and you might wind up with a few inches added to your waistline – especially when paired with low physical activity or sleep deprivation. The wrong carbohydrates can wreak havoc on your weight loss goals, as your body ends up converting them into fat storage. Luckily, there are ways to battle the bulge without giving up delicious food! The key to shoeing away unwanted pounds involves turning to low-carb foods that still give you the nutrients your system needs.

Here at Workout Pandit., we’ve racked up the ultimate grocery list of foods that, although light on carbs, sure don’t slack off in the taste department! They’re also packed with ultra-beneficial nutrients to help you slim down and feel wonderful. Grab a cart and check out our top 50 low carb foods grocery list!

1. Cocoa Powder
This tasty baking ingredient packs a boatload of antioxidants and boosts endorphins.

Slurp on this Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Smoothie featuring the powerful powder!

2. Blackberries
Blackerries are among the best nutritional bargains around. Get your daily dose of vitamins minus the carbs with these scrumptious berries!

This Mixed Berry Chia Seed Jam features the nutrient-rich berry, and puts store bought jellies and jams to shame! It’s especially scrumptious when spread over toast or included in a peanut butter sandwich.

3. Avocado
These glorious superfoods are bursting with health benefits and deliver healthy fats that’ll keep your cravings in check.

Whip up a slice of Avocado Breakfast Toast for a low-carb energy-booster as you dash out the door!

4. Broccoli
Cooked, pureed, or stir fried – whichever prep method suits your fancy, broccoli tops the charts in nutrition and taste. The cruciferous veggie weighs in at only 2 grams of carbs per serving!

This delectable Cheesy Broccoli & Cauliflower Casserole gives cheese lovers everywhere a reason to rejoice, and includes a hefty dose of these uber-healthy cruciferous veggies!

5. Arugula
Chock-full of antioxidants and vitamins, arugula certainly stands out in the leafy green department. With a deliciously bitter taste and high calcium content, you can’t go wrong with these garden stars!

Get ready for a flavor combination like no other! In this Mango and Arugula Salad, tropical fruit teams up with bitter greens, and tinged with some savory heat and spice.

6. Tuna
This light, versatile fish packs a protein punch, filling you up without adding much to your daily calorie count. Stuff some tuna in your sandwich or toss in a salad for a yummy, uber-filling lunch!

Tuna and cucumber form a uniquely fresh, yet oh-so satisfying pair in this healthy Tuna Pepper with Cucumber Sesame Salad recipe!

7. Almond Flour
Unlike conventional flours, which drag in a boatload of carbs, almond flour makes a tasty, low-carb alternative that will crank up the flavor in your recipes.

Twirl your fork into this delectable Zucchini Noodle dish.

8. Shrimp
Shrimp deserves a place in the spotlight. In addition to its delectably chewy flavor, the savory seafood delivers a host of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties

Turn a salad starter into a protein-rich meal with this scrumptious Shrimp and Feta Salad Bowl recipe!

9. Flax Seeds
Extracted from one of the oldest fiber crops around, these powerful low-carb superfoods can improve blood sugar, lower cholesterol, and protect against cancer. Simply sprinkle some seeds on your oatmeal or yogurt and enjoy!

Sip on this satisfying Wild Blueberry, Mint, and Flax Seed Smoothie, packed with incredible nutrients your body will thank you for.

10. Tempeh
Fermented soy products like tempeh have a good rap for hooking you up with healthy bacteria and acting as an awesome, vegetarian-friendly protein source.

11. Hummus
This smooth, grainy dip turns snack time into a savory experience. Protein-rich hummus can balance blood sugar levels and battle cravings.

There’s more than one way to whip up a batch of bomb hummus. Check out these 7 Healthy Homemade Hummus Recipes and you’ll never grow bored of the versatile dip!

12. Black Beans
Don’t let their uniform appearance fool you! These black beauties deliver a myriad of health benefits, from improving digestion to boosting heart health.

Beans and rice form a classic combo, but this Skillet Red Beans and Rice recipe takes the flavor to a whole new level!

13. Almonds
Snacking on these nutritious superfoods will satisfy your taste buds and body. Loaded with nutrients and light on carbs, almonds reign supreme in the nut department.e

If that doesn’t convince you, check out these 6 Reasons to Add Almonds to Your Diet. Before you know it, the nutritious nut will become a regular part of your menu!

14. Coconut
For centuries, coconuts have been praised for their antifungal, antiviral, and therapeutic properties. As a bonus, the treasured, low-carb food tastes absolutely divine.

Grab this Breakfast Yogurt Parfait before heading out the door!

15. Pistachios
You can’t go wrong with these scrumptious delights. The terrific tree nuts improve skin, eye, and immune system health, without taking a toll on your daily carb intake!

This recipe for Spinach Rolls with Ricotta & Pistachios blends earthy nutmeg, Parmesan, and lasagna noodles into lovely, personalized rolls.

16. Cashew Butter
A dollop of this delicious peanut butter substitute makes a great snack! Rich in fiber and protein, the creamy spread is your ultimate go-to when you want to shake things up.

Sub in cashew butter for ordinary ole’ peanut butter in this Clean Eating Nut Butter and Jam Sandwich!

17. Lean Ground Beef
Lean ground beef will fill you up without unhealthy calories from fat and carbs, giving carnivores out there a reason to celebrate!

Give delectable enchiladas a protein punch with this  slow cooker recipe for Beefed Up Enchiladas.

18. Ground Turkey
If you’re on the hunt for a low-carb, protein-rich meat, ground turkey is a hands-down winner. Enjoy this versatile food in anything from chili and casseroles to meatballs and burgers!

Ditch the fattening meats and opt for recipes that’ll keep your waistline under control! Check out these 12 Ways to Substitute Ground Turkey or Chicken for Ground Beef!

19. Mushrooms
Eastern healers have praised mushrooms for their medicinal and nutritional properties for centuries. The versatile veggie has only 2 grams of carbs per serving!

These bite-sized Paleo Stuffed Mushrooms make a satisfying snack, especially when you’re on the go!

20. Eggplant
Add excitement to dinner and dish up an eggplant-based meal. The glossy veggies have barely any carbs but are bursting with health benefits.

21. Salmon
It’s no surprise that people go wild over salmon. The fantastic fish is loaded with protein, omega-3s, and marvelous minerals to make you feel and look amazing.

Check out this decadent, low-carb Blackened Sockeye Salmon dish spotlighting the superfood.

22. Spaghetti Squash
Scoop out the spaghetti-shaped flesh from this wonder veggie for the ultimate pasta experience minus the carbs! Spaghetti squash is a breeze to prepare and offers a host of mouthwatering meal options.

Besides tasting incredible, the veggie is super versatile. Check out these 10 Best Spaghetti Squash Recipes and you might ditch the carb-rich pasta noodles for good.

23. Sirloin Steak
Nothing beats sinking your teeth into some savory, juicy steak. A lean cut of meat delivers reenergizing properties with its protein-packed, iron-rich profile.

For a quick and simple dinner that’ll save you time on busier nights, try this One-Minute Steak and Paprika Corn on the Cob.

24. Zucchini
These savory members of the summer squash family can do wonders for any dish. They weigh in at only 17 calories and 3 carbohydrate grams per serving!

Nothing beats crunching into these mouthwatering munchies: Oven-Baked Zucchini Chips.

25. Apricots
Whether enjoyed raw or dried, you can’t go wrong with these gloriously golden fruits! Apricots are low in carbs and offer powerful antioxidants and feel-good fiber.

This sweet, velvety fruit is a nutritional powerhouse. Don’t believe us? Perhaps these 3 Reasons to Enjoy Apricots might convince you!

26. Strawberries
Referred to as the ‘Queen of the Fruits’ in some Asian countries, strawberries have a bunch of anti-inflammatory and fat-burning properties, in addition to adding some sweetness to your day.

Wake up to a berry-licious breakfast with a touch of mint. Try this Easy Mint Yogurt with Strawberries recipe after doing your morning stretches!

27. Eggs
People don’t realize just how many nutrients these delicious delights have to offer. Eggs are an ideal superfood that carry a measly 1 carbohydrate gram per serving! Learn more about what makes them great: The Health Benefits of Eggs.

28. Cottage Cheese
A wonderful source of protein and B vitamins, a little cottage cheese can go a long way. Its creamy, chewy texture and low-carb profile will make your taste buds sing while helping you slim down.

Pancakes can be healthy too! Check out this Skinny Cottage Cheese Pancakes recipe for cakes that are light, sweet, and savory!

29. Plain Greek Yogurt
A spoonful of this thick, creamy goodness delivers twice the amount of protein of traditional yogurts while supplying loads of good bacteria to boost your digestive health.

Start your day off with something sweet, creamy, and nutritious! Try these Buckwheat Crepes with Fruit Filling and Yogurt.

30. Tofu
Protein rich and gluten-free, tofu is a yummy addition to any vegetable or stir fry dish that won’t burden you with excess carbs.

31. Pinto Beans
Praised for their nutritious profiles, pinto beans have more to offer than meets the eye. These beige legumes are an inexpensive source of protein that helps to stabilize blood sugar and prevent heart disease.

Dig into this flavorful Slow Cooker Pinto Beans, Tomatoes, and Onion Salad and let your crock pot do all the mouthwatering magic!

32. Coconut Water
Besides carrying relatively little carbs, coconut water boosts hydration, facilitates digestion, and can even help you attain clear, beautiful skin!

This Coconut Water article will fill you in on everything you need to know about making the nutritious beverage at home!

33. Artichoke
There are countless reasons to squeeze artichokes into tonight’s dinner menu. The low-carb flowery vegetables reduce cholesterol, pack in feel-good fiber, and can improve liver function.

Plunge some pita chips or chopped veggie sticks into this scrumptious Vegan Spinach and Artichoke Dip.

34. Pumpkin Seeds
They’re more than an irresistibly crunchy snack on Halloween. These super seeds pack in a boatload of vitamins and minerals while improving bladder function and lowering cholesterol.

Check out these 5 Reasons to Roast Pumpkin Seeds and you’ll enjoy the nutritious nibbles even more!

35. Edamame
Scratching your head? Edamame is just a fancy name for boiled green soybeans. These legumes make a savory appetizer and pack in an ample source of protein and fiber, without overdoing it on the carbs.

For all you vegetarians out there, edamame makes a great protein-packed snack to keep you full and focused throughout the day. For more vegetarian options, check out our Ultimate Vegetarian Shopping List.

36. Hemp Seeds
Deemed one of the healthiest seeds on the planet, these digestible proteins are loaded with omega-3s and vitamin E. They add delectable, nutty flavor to meals.

We love seeds- the nutritious nibbles pack a bunch of incredible nutrients in a super small package. Here are 11 Delicious Ways to Add Seeds to your Diet.

37. Pecans
These delicate nuts do wonders to any salad, vegetable, or meat dish while delivering over 19 different vitamins and minerals. Their high protein content and healthy fats can help ward off cravings and keep weight gain at bay.

This recipe for Basil Pesto with Roasted Pecans gives traditional pesto a gourmet twist!

38. Mustard
This flavorful, pungent spread bumps up the flavor in a multitude of meals! Try this Honey-Dijon Glazed Salmon with a Hint of Lemon that features the carb-free condiment.

39. Raspberries
These ruby red miracle workers bring a multitude of health benefits to the table. They contain rheosmin, a phytonutrient that decreases activity in fat-digesting enzymes – ultimately aiding weight loss!

Whip up a tasty breakfast in a matter of minutes! Check out this Peanut Butter and Fresh Raspberries on Toast.

40. Walnuts
These tree nuts are a great source of omega-3s that help reduce skin dryness and eczema. Dish up this Farro Salad with Apples and Walnuts to get your walnut fix! 

41. Kale
Nutrients in kale fight skin-damaging free radicals and offer ultra-beneficial vitamins like vitamins A and C. Serve up these Skinny Kale Burgers for a tasty low-carb alternative to your regular burger fare.

42. Almond Milk
This creamy, nutty beverage makes an awesome alternative to cow’s milk. The low-carb drink provides an ample source of calcium among other nutrients, without the saturated fat or cholesterol in ordinary milk.

Whip up this Almond Milk Rice Pudding with Cranberries for a creamy treat to make your taste buds smile.

43. Tomato Juice
Besides being sweet, juicy, and delicious, these low-calorie crops carry less than 3 carbohydrate grams per serving while supplying bold flavor to any dish.

44. Peanut Butter
This deliciously creamy kitchen staple is healthiest with no added ingredients. It makes the perfect low-carb energy booster when you’re feeling sluggish!

Satisfy a sweet tooth with these delectable Chocolate Peanut Butter Energy Bites.

45. Chicken
Chicken soothes the soul and stars in thousands of recipes. The tender, juicy meat also boasts a protein-rich, low carb profile to help make your weight loss journey delicious.

These 17 Chicken Recipes are dinner winners in our book!

46. Salsa
Salsa fans everywhere have a reason to celebrate! The festive dip carries very few calories and carbs and packs in fat-burning properties and a boatload of vitamin C. For a healthful tip when dressing up your leafy greens, forego calorie-rich salad dressings and opt for fresh salsa instead!

What’s a party without dips and salsas? Check out these brilliant Homemade Dip and Salsa Recipes that’ll become a regular part of your party repertoire.

47. Cauliflower
This non-starchy cruciferous veggie is one of the white foods your diet should embrace! Cauliflower contains tons of vitamins and minerals and can help promote skin and brain health while fighting off toxins.

Whip up this Cauliflower Stir Fry for a scrumptiously simple dinner!

48. Swiss Chard
These forest-colored leafy greens have been exalted for centuries due to their incredible nutrient density and cancer-fighting properties. Make some super smart health moves by adding chard to your shopping cart.

For veggies that simply melt in your mouth, whip up this Swiss Chard Simple Saute Recipe.

49. Bell Pepper

These bright gems can jazz up any meal and lend a juicy crunch – but that’s not all. The low-carb peppers deliver plenty of antioxidants and vitamin E to keep your skin and hair looking youthful.

Dish up these hearty, flavorful Stuffed Philly Chicken Peppers to get your pepper fix!

50. Red Grapefruit
These ruby-red miracle fruits lend a laundry list of health benefits. The weight loss superfood boast powerful fat-burning properties thanks to its ability to rev up your metabolism and stimulate antioxidant activity!

Dive into this colorful, low-carb creation: Purple Potatoes, Grapefruit and Asparagus Salad.

How To Eat a Plant-Based Diet on a Budget

How To Eat a Plant-Based Diet on a Budget

Learning how to eat a plant-based diet on a budget is all about knowing which foods are filling and
inexpensive. It might seem like you’ll run up a huge grocery bill after looking at the prices of organic vegetables, but most plant-based proteins are actually significantly less expensive than fish, poultry, and meat! It also seems like the price of dairy and eggs is getting higher and higher every year, so you’ll actually save a ton of money by shopping for more plant-based items.

Sometimes, you can save money by buying in bulk at a warehouse store. Most of the time, you can save money just by knowing your staple foods. If you avoid the expensive processed foods and only eat items like store-bought vegan cheese and tofurkey on occasion, you will keep more money in your wallet than you expected. We put together a list of the most inexpensive plant-based foods to help you learn how to eat a plant-based diet on a budget. It’s definitely possible, and we’ll help you get there!

If you’re switching to a vegan lifestyle, you should also check out the essential herbs, spices, and flavorings for your plant-based kitchen, as well as our list of pantry essentials.

1. Beans and Legumes ($1-2/pound)

how to eat a plant-based diet on a budget

Chickpeas, black beans, lentils, and split peas are super inexpensive, especially if you buy them dried. These items also happen to be great sources of plant-based protein and fiber, so they’ll fill you up and keep you feeling full for hours afterward.

Beans and legumes are our go-to ingredients for the majority of our favorite plant-based recipes. Here are some of our go-to ways to use these staple ingredients:

    Plant-Based Slow Cooker Chili
    Gluten-Free Mango and Black Bean Taco
    Easy Lentil Vegetable Loaf
    Quick and Easy Slow Cooker Black Bean Soup for Two
    Buffalo Ranch Chickpea Burger using Plant-Based Ranch
    Vegetarian Mushroom White Bean “Meatballs” with Chimichurri Sauce
    “Flush the Fat Away” Lentil and Vegetable Soup
    Mushroom Fajitas With Lentils Recipe

2. Grains ($0.50-$4/pound)

I wouldn’t recommend going gluten-free while you’re on a vegan diet because grains are such an easy way to bulk up your meal without breaking the bank. Barley and whole-grain products (like egg-free pasta, tortillas, bread) are great ways to add balanced, heart-healthy nutrition to your every day life without spending too much money.

There are plenty of gluten-free grains if that’s the route you’d like to follow. Look for quinoa, brown rice, rolled oats, or millet and use them in some of these vegan grain recipes.

    Chickpea Mediterranean Rice
    Peanut Chickpea Buddha Bowl
    Quinoa Apple Breakfast Bowl
    Easy Vegan Eggplant Parmesan Over Quinoa
    Avocado Vegan Fudge Brownie Recipe
    Whole Grain Peanut Butter and Fruit Toast
    Tabouleh Salad with Whole Wheat Pita Crisps

3. Frozen Vegetables ($0.50-$2/pound)

Frozen veggies get a bad rap, but sometimes they’re actually healthier for you than fresh vegetables! That’s become some vegetables lose their flavor and nutrients as they sit on the shelf. Some vitamins and minerals (like thiamine and beta-carotene) actually increase when they’re frozen.

You’ll also find that frozen vegetables are much less expensive than their fresh counterparts, especially when fresh vegetables aren’t in season. So don’t be afraid to pick up some frozen veggies as a way to answer the question of how to eat a plant-based diet on a budget. Here are some great ways you can use frozen vegetables.

    Cauliflower Holiday Stuffing
    Broccoli and Mushroom Stir-Fry
    Super Easy Cauliflower “Fried Rice”
    Quick & Easy Cauliflower Stir-Fry
    Skinny Zucchini Pasta & Baby Spinach
    Easy Vegetable and Barley Soup
    Vegan Spinach and Artichoke Dip

4. Tofu and Tempeh ($1.50-$2.50/pound)

Both tofu and tempeh are made from soybeans. Tofu is created from curdled soy milk that’s pressed into a block, and it’s famous for having a neutral flavor. That means it takes on other flavors exceptionally well as it cooks. Tempeh, on the other hand, is made from cooked, fermented soybeans and has an earthy, nutty flavor.

Both of these plant-based proteins cost significantly less than meats, and they’re a great way to feel full and satiated while eating a plant-based diet. If you’ve never cooked with tofu before, get started with these recipes.

    Baked Tofu Chunks with Cajun Spice Dry Rub
    Gardener’s Pie
    Maple Glazed Tempeh with Quinoa and Kale
    Spicy Breakfast Tacos
    Spicy Grilled Tofu with Szechuan Vegetables

5. Potatoes and Sweet Potatoes ($0.40-$0.80/pound)

As compared to other fresh vegetables, potatoes and sweet potatoes have a high starch content. Whether you’re bulking up a soup or making a stuffed sweet potato, these tubers will give you a lot of bang for your buck when it comes to calories per dollar.

Since you can serve them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, potatoes and sweet potatoes are a great way to eat a plant-based diet on a budget. Try using them in some of these recipes.

    Sweet Potato Breakfast Recipe
    Rosemary Roasted Potatoes and Vegetables
    Oven Sweet Potato Fries
    Plant-Based, Old-Fashioned Potato Salad Recipe
    Spicy Black Bean and Sweet Potato Burger with     Avocado Sauce
    Curried Sweet Potato and Spinach Salad

3-Day Detox Meal Plan

3-Day Detox Meal Plan

If you feel bloated, grumpy, sluggish, or all of the above, now may be the perfect time for a detox! This 3-day detox meal plan is comprised of body-nourishing foods that will fill you with energy and help you get back on track!

Why Participate in a 3-Day Detox Meal Plan?

Assuming you’re an average healthy adult, your kidneys and liver already do a pretty darn good job of “detoxifying” your body. After all, removing toxins is why we have those organs in the first place! With that being said, it can’t hurt to ditch the toxic processed foods and replace them with clean, nutrient-dense ingredients from time to time.

Participating in a detox does more than just eliminate unwanted toxins from your body. It can produce several other incredible benefits, including but not limited to:
  • Strengthen immune function and prevent illness.
  • Assist in the weight-loss process.
  • Improve sleep.
  • Increase energy levels and focus.
  • Create healthier skin, hair, and nails.
Take advantage of all of these benefits by participating in our 3-day detox meal plan! The days are going to pass anyway, so you may as well make them count! 

3-Day Detox Meal Plan 

How it works: The meal plan for each day includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a detoxifying smoothie. While you can eat at whatever time works best for you, we recommend spacing each meal out by at least three to four hours. This will keep your belly full and decrease the urge to eat something that you shouldn’t!
While it isn’t mandatory, we recommend buying organic food for this detox. This will reduce your consumption of any chemicals, additives, or preservatives. Lastly, be sure to hang onto any leftovers throughout the 3-day detox; you’ll need them! 
Note: Feel free to add 4 to 6 ounces of grilled chicken or fish to any salad for an extra boost of protein!

Day 1 — 1402 calories

Breakfast: Morning Lemon & Mint Water and No-Bake Lemon Turmeric Bites (3 servings)
Lunch: Cranberry and Brussels Sprouts Detox Salad (2 servings)
Dinner: Slow Cooker Carrot Turmeric Soup (3 servings)
Smoothie: Coconut Milk Smoothie (1 serving)

Day 2 — 1292 calories

Breakfast: Immune Booster Smoothie and ¼ cup of Almonds
Lunch: Cleanse and Detox Superfood Salad (2 servings)
Dinner: Slow Cooker Moroccan Stew (2 servings)
Smoothie: Cleanse & Detox Smoothie

Day 3 — 1402 calories

Breakfast: Morning Lemon & Mint Water and leftover No-Bake Lemon Turmeric Bites (3 servings)
Lunch: leftover Cranberry and Brussels Sprouts Detox Salad (2 servings)
Dinner: leftover Slow Cooker Carrot Turmeric Soup (3 servings)
Smoothie: leftover Coconut Milk Smoothie (1 serving)
Once you complete this 3-day detox meal plan, don’t go back to your old habits! Try one of these healthy-eating plans to keep progressing towards a healthier life:

The Best Clean Eating Meal Plans of the Year

The Best Clean Eating Meal Plans of the Year

If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s this: you must make healthy choices every single day if you want to improve your health. At SkinnyMs, we love developing tasty and nutritious recipes that will help you reach your fitness goals. To help you turn your healthy choices into a lifestyle, we’ve used our yummy recipes to create a wide variety of meal plans. Below you will find some of the best clean eating meal plans of the year! Have no fear; there’s an option for everyone.


What Is Clean Eating?
This a phrase that we hear a lot these days, but what does “clean eating” really mean? Simply put, clean eating refers to a diet made of whole, unprocessed ingredients. Most processed foods (like frozen dinners and “from-the-box” meals) contain hidden sugars, unhealthy fats, refined grains, and empty calories. Focusing on clean, whole foods instead will provide your body with vital nutrients and fewer calories, thus promoting weight loss!

We have dozens of healthy meal plans to choose from, #and below are some of the best! Whether you want to focus on one week at a time or eat clean for an entire month, there’s an option for you! Regardless of which plan you choose to begin with, learning how to meal prep is an invaluable lesson. Stick to the plan, and before you know it, you’ll be in the best shape of your life!

7-Day Clean Eating Survival Guide for Beginners
This first plan is a fantastic stress-free option for beginners. Sometimes, jumping into a meal plan can feel overwhelming, but this customizable program allows you to take it step by step. You don’t need to make all of the meals; just choose the ones that jump out to you. Prepare a few of them to last you the entire week, and you’ll be well on your way to weight-loss success!

7-Day Whole30 Meal Plan
Have you heard of the Whole30 diet? It’s essentially a style of eating that emphasizes food in its whole form. In other words, the ingredients are unprocessed and clean. By participating in this week-long plan, you won’t have to worry about whether or not you’re doing the program right; we’ve done the work for you! Each recipe is made with whole, clean ingredients, and all you have to do is prepare them!

14-Day Clean-Eating Meal Plan
The clean-eating lifestyle encourages you to eat a balanced diet. There are not many things that are off limits, which makes it that much simpler to adhere to. This 14-day plan makes it easier than ever, and the food tastes incredible as well! Better yet, this meal plan comes with a downloadable shopping list to simplify the process even further!

14-Day Flat Belly Meal Plan
This two-week plan focuses on clean foods that fight bloating and constipation. It incorporates plenty of fiber, which will help tighten your tummy and slim your waist! Feel free to make new meals each day, or utilize leftovers to save time and money!

21-Day Flat Belly Meal Plan
Our three-week flat belly meal plan combines protein-rich foods with high-fiber ingredients for some seriously awesome results. Eating clean foods that are full of nutrients will not only reduce caloric intake, but they’ll also boost your metabolism and increase the rate of fat loss!

28-Day Vegetarian Weight Watchers Meal Plan
Are you a veggie lover? If so, this is the plan for you! You don’t even need to follow Weight Watchers to participate in this one, but we added up the points just in case you do! Each of these recipes follows our clean-eating rules and will help you shed those excess pounds once and for all.

30-Day High-Protein, Low-Carb Challenge

Increasing protein and decreasing carbs is a great way to maintain muscle mass, speed up metabolism, and melt away the fat. This challenge utilizes leftovers and comes with a shopping list to make it super easy to take part in the program!

Which one of these clean eating meal plans stands out to you? You can’t go wrong with any of them! Learning how to prepare clean-eating recipes will set you up for lifelong success!


Instant Pot Spiced Orange Carrots

Instant Pot Spiced Orange Carrots

Carrots are one of my favorite ingredients. Eaten raw, they’re crunchy like a chip and satisfy my snack cravings any day of the week. Cook ’em up, and you’ll find their sweet flavors intensify. The other great thing about carrots? They go so well with any cuisine! These Instant Pot Spiced Orange Carrots are proof of that. Flavored with orange juice, cinnamon, ginger, and honey, this 6-ingredient recipe is the perfect side dish to go alongside Thanksgiving dinner. Or, serve it up with a grilled chicken breast in the summertime. No matter what you’re eating for dinner, this healthy vegetable side dish It will probably work!

Instant Pot Spiced Orange Carrots

There are so many reasons to love this dish. First, it only requires six ingredients — most of which you probably already have on-hand in the pantry! Ground ginger and cinnamon are always in my spice cabinet, as is honey because it’s a fantastic option when I’m looking for a natural, wholesome sweetener. So head to the store and pick up a bag of carrots and a glass of orange juice, and you’re ready to make Instant Pot Spiced Orange Carrots! The other reason this recipe should be on a regular rotation for weeknight dinners? It only takes three minutes on high pressure in the Instant Pot. Even considering the time it takes for the Instant Pot to come up to pressure and manually releasing once it’s finished cooking, this vegetable side dish will be ready in about 15 minutes.

When the carrots are finished cooking, drizzle them with a little honey to make them extra sweet and oh-so-delicious. Save the cooking liquid, because it makes an excellent base for salad dressings once it cools. You can also reduce it down to make a glaze for chicken, vegetables, or pork.
Print Recipe

Instant Pot Spiced Orange Carrots

Carrots are a nutritious vegetable that go with any meal, and this spiced version will add some zest to your plate! 
Prep Time7 mins
Cook Time3 mins
Total Time10 mins
Course: Side Dish
Cuisine: American
Keyword: Instant Pot, Kid-Friendly, Vegetarian
Servings: 6
Calories: 72kcal
Author: Nichole Furlong


  • 1 pound carrots peeled and cut into 1 inch pieces
  • 1 cup orange juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 2 tablespoons honey


  • Place all ingredients, except honey, in the Instant Pot. Place the lid on the pot, ensuring the valve is in the sealed position. Set the Instant Pot to Manual Mode with high pressure and set the timer for 3 minutes. Once time is complete, manually release the pressure and carefully remove lid. Drain the liquid from the carrots and drizzle honey over top. Serve hot.


Calories: 72kcal | Carbohydrates: 18g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 1g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 247mg | Potassium: 325mg | Fiber: 2g | Sugar: 13g | Vitamin A: 12712IU | Vitamin C: 25mg | Calcium: 29mg | Iron: 1mg
SmartPoints (Freestyle): 2